Monday, 31 August 2015

Back to school!

First of all, I am proud to say that I have completed the first third (or so) of my book and am actively seeking an agent.  (If you are an agent reading this, please contact me!)

My kids are all done with their summer jobs and back at home for a few days before they go back to their respective schools.  Their stuff is everywhere and my OCD is flaring up but I'm trying to keep it under control and not be a nag. After all, once they leave I will miss this chaos (?).  I will go back to seriously focusing on my writing after the Labour Day weekend.  I have set deadlines for myself in the past but that doesn't seem to work for me.  However, if someone is expecting a piece from me that is a deadline that I always meet.

So amidst the sadness that I know I will feel once the kids the kids are gone, tied with the happiness that they are where they need to be and pursuing what they want out of life, my time will be spent fulfilling my own dream of becoming a published writer.


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Looking at fall

I can't believe we are nearly in the middle of August.  This summer has gone by so fast.  And I have not written nearly as much as I planned to of my Memoir.  Once the kids go back to school I will have to become more disiplined ( definitely spelt that wrong)  .  I need to schedule a couple of hours into every day devoted to writing.  I have to get back to exercising and try to make more time for my friends.

I have always felt like fall, going back to school, is the beginning of a new year.  Could be because that is when we Jews celebrate our New Year.  I do "fall cleaning" and set goals.  I have learned not to set too many because there is no way I'm going to get to them all.  Maybe writing them here for all to see will make me become more motivated.