Thursday 3 December 2015

Too long

I am ashamed to see that I have not written anything here in a long time.  I am currently working on an article for The National Post (Canada's most widely circulated paper) about our health care system.  Our American cousins always comment on the free health care we enjoy here in Canada.  Well, nothing is free.  Our taxes are extremely high.  Plus, if you need to see a specialist or require a test such as an MRI or CT scan be prepared to wait at least three months. I recently had a doctor's appointment that lasted less than two minutes and could have easily been done over the phone but he brought me in. Why, you ask? So he could bill our government for the visit.  Anyway, I'm not gong to re-write my entire article here but it centres on our health care system and the additional strain it will be under once the Syrian refugees reach our borders.  I am not against allowing the refugees in, but they are being received in both Toronto and Montreal.  Our major airport is even undergoing a renovation in one of it's terminals to welcome them!  Guess who's paying for that?  Yes, welcome Syrians but please relocate them to a small city or province.  Toronto can't take it anymore.