Sunday, 31 January 2016

So many plans

I'm thinking of changing the title of my book to "Just Breathe".  After about 3 weeks of feeling like crap I have now straightened out all my medications and seem to be better.  And I have such a long "to do" list that needs to be done this week!  Well, I'll have to pop an oxy and get to it.  One thing I did do was read my book from start to finish and did some major editing.  In between the "to dos" I will get back to work as well as keep submitting querys to publishing houses.  I just know that I'm going to have to self publish, through Amazon in all likelihood.  I do know a couple of authors who did so and the sales were so high that they got picked up by a publishing house.  I think that is the most I can hope for.  Once published (through Amazon or anyone else) I plan to send a copy to Dr. Oz and to Ellen Degeneres.  If I could get on either of their shows, well, a girl can dream.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

More of the same...

I am so embarrassed that it's been over a month since I have written here.  I have a long list of excuses but it's not enough.  My kids were both home over the winter break.  Only one fight.  I think that's pretty good.  Unfortunately I spent the first week in bed with the flu which I seem to be getting a lot of lately.  Headache, of course, and like someone has punched me in the gut.  I haven't left the house in  a week now.  I long to be one of those moms who makes dinner every night, always has groceries in the fridge and goes out with my husband at least once a week.  My husband, if any one is a hero than it's him.  He wants to go and do and I just don't have the strength.  I'm going for another round of botox tomorrow, maybe that will help.