Sunday, 12 July 2015

36 degrees

What a hot weekend! I think I can safely say that summer is here.  I haven't been able to write  single thing in two weeks (at least).  Partially due to the fact that I was having a lot of trouble breathing.  Normally I would have gone to the emergency room at the hospital where my transplant was performed.  But, it being the first weekend in July, I knew that here in Canada, July 1st is when all the residents graduate and July 2nd (for the most part) is when all the staff doctors go on vacation.  I wish I didn't know so much about our Health Care System.  Anyway, I made a proper appointment which involves bloodwork, a chest x-ray and a breathing test. After all this information is gathered the doctors sit down and review it and decide on a course of action.  I knew my breathing test was compromised.  For a woman of my size a normal test shows 2.0.  My tests have been 1.37 for the last several years.  Lousy, but consistently lousy.  Last week they were 0.8.  The docs determined that I have a respiratory infection and put me on a puffer and an anti-biotic.  That was Wednesday.  By Saturday I was walking around the Art Museum with my husband and later that same day, through the "cool" downtown neighbourhood my son is living in this summer as we went in search of food.  I hope that by the end of the week I will be exercising and writing more of my book!

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