Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Naturopath

Last week I started seeing a naturopath who also does acupuncture.  Obviously I decided the dope was not the best plan (see last post).  We talked for an hour and a half about food.  As I may have mentioned before, I hate food.  What I mean by that is not that I truly hate food and don't eat, it just is of very little interest to me.  I could live on peanut butter sandwiches, McDonald's hamburgers and fries, diet coke or root beer, sushi and occasionally KFC.  I dislike grocery shopping and cooking.  I can cook, I just don't enjoy it.

So here's what the naturopath wants me to eat:

-chicken stock
-egg yolks
-beef stock made from the femur bone of a cow (with the fat)
-a smoothie made up of zucchini, green beans and curly parsley
-unpasturized milk
-nut butter (apparently commercial peanut butter is crap) and
-coconut oil

I was all "gung ho".  I bought the groceries and a blender. (See, I've been married 25 years and don't even own a blender.)  I made chicken soup and starting drinking a cup of the stock here and there or having a bowl of the soup to which I had added rice, carrots and mushrooms.  There was no way I was going to eat a cooked egg so I started adding a raw one to the fruit smoothies I make with my blender.  I find that relieves the 4 p.m. need for a snack.  I am sticking with the 1% milk I buy at the grocery store and have yet to try any of the other goodies he has suggested.

On Thursday I will start the acupuncture. Someone posted on yelp that this guy relieved her headaches after just two visits.  Fingers crossed.

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